Sunday, January 22, 2012

Blues History

One of the most interesting things about the blues is its history.

Many moons ago (eons ago?) I attended University of Alabama at Huntsville (Space City). While I was there, I learned the blues scales from one player, and was lucky to learn to play open tuned bottleneck guitar from another (Kent Dushane). I also spent a lot of time playing blues harmonica and was even asked to sit in with a band as they recorded a southern/blues based music soundtrack for a movie. It was a fun time!

I also considered changing to a music major while I was there. I've played a wealth of instruments in my life, and love music in a much deeper way than the passing interest of most fans. To that end, I elected to take a number of college level music classes. I really enjoyed music history class, of which I think I remember taking a couple. I figured if I enjoyed it that much, then maybe I'd like to do that in the future.

While in music history, I had the opportunity to research and write a number of papers on Southern Blues history. It was fun. I read countless texts on the subject and wrote a number of pretty well researched papers (all now long since lost).

So where am I going with this?

Back during the holidays, I bought a book to read when I finished the one I was currently reading. The book I purchased was "Deep Blues" by Robert Palmer. I've just now started reading the book. As I opened it, I started looking at the publishing dates and other information. That set off deja vu.

This is one of the books I read all those years ago from the UAH library. I really enjoyed the book and found it very interesting.

Maybe you would enjoy it too-

Deep Blues by Robert Palmer - at

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