Sunday, January 29, 2012

New picks and Powerful Stuff

So today, I was out running around and found a place that sells off old stock from closed stores. They've had cycling stuff, motorcycle stuff, pretty much anything you can think of. This time they had bought out a music store.

They had a huge stock of old Fender stuff (semi new) as well as all sorts of other stuff. I even bought a new Hohner BluesHarp in G. That was pretty much my only missing key in my quiver of harps.

The other two cool things I found were an old Alamo Tube Amp. I'm researching it right now to learn if its any good.

The other thing is kinda a silly minor thing, but I'm a detail guy. I found Fender Heavy picks in exactly the finish I have on my BluesBird emando. Very cool!


So what about Powerful Stuff? I'm a huge Jimmy Vaughan fan, as well as a huge Kim Wilson fan. That of course means I love the Fabulous Thunderbirds. Their blues based rock has always kicked arse!

So this afternoon, I was listening to Powerful Stuff on ITunes. I quickly realized I could play this on the Emando in G. I'll leave it to you to figure out the fingering as I have no tab-writing software. However, listen to the tune and you'll quickly figure it out. Base it on a G blues scale and progression.

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