Saturday, February 8, 2014

Chromatic Blues Harp

Many many years ago, while hanging out in a music shop to buy a new harp (blues harp/diatonic), I spotted a harmonica with a button on it. As you can imagine, I was intrigued. I bought the funny looking harp and took it home.

When I got home with the little Chrometta, it completely confused me. It was hard to play, sounded like crud and just did not seem like the Marine Bands I had been playing. Windsavers and the slide really threw me off. I returned it (they actually took it back) and that was the end of my Chromatic playing...

Fast forward another 15 years and I was beginning to play diatonic blues harp a lot. I played in the car and really enjoyed it. I was listening to a lot of the classic blues harmonica stuff and found George Harmonica Smith. His blues chromatic harp playing is really the standard by which all other players are judged. The fact that he taught many of them does not hurt that a bit.

Once again, I decided to get a chromatic and learn to play it. I got myself a Hohner 270 and began playing with it. Once again, I was thrown off by the slide and windsavers. The truth is, the layout of the notes threw me off much more, and once again it went into a drawer to hibernate.

The hibernation did not last more than a couple years though, and I began trying to learn Chromatic Blues again. This time, Youtube has helped, as well as a lot of Google searching, and a website called

Slidemeister is great. Though very few of the contributors there speak the blues vernacular, they are still chromatic players. Their encouragement has been helpful, and info I've found on that site has helped as well.

This song really gets my attention!

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